IPL laser CAR belongs to the most advanced generation of intensive pulsating light (IPL) systems, which are used in procedures of epilation – permanent hair removal. Equipment of appliance enables performing quick and safe treatments on bigger and smaller areas of a body.
The most often is raised a question, why IPL laser CAR is better than IPL laser CARMEN X1. There are differences in size, weight. Consequently IPL laser CAR has better cooling system, which ensures longer quality operation. It also has stronger condensers and due to this longer operation capacity. IPL Carmen X1 is made for smaller salons, which are visited by more clients who need shorter treatments, while IPL laser CAR is strong enough for longer treatments, and at the same time fueling and cooling operate perfectly non-stop.
Replaceable applicator enables simple operating of appliance. This is a reason that appliance can be used also for other treatments, for example skin rejuvenation, active healing of acnes, removal of spots and pigmentations, removal of capillaries, healing of red nose, and much more.